Thursday, December 15, 2011

Chicago wants to phase out coveted magnet school | WBEZ

More information on the school over-crowding crisis:

Chicago wants to phase out coveted magnet school | WBEZ: "Now, CPS wants to slowly convert the magnet to a neighborhood school that draws from the immediate area, one of the ritziest in the city. The school would take no new magnet school kindergartners in the fall, unless they already had a sibling enrolled in the school. Instead, the kindergarten would be filled with neighborhood children.

The change would relieve overcrowding at nearby Lincoln Elementary, where rising test scores have made the school a popular option for Lincoln Park families.

But LaSalle parents say the change would also dismantle their school’s diversity, achieved from 30 years as a desegregation school.

“You’re dramatically going to alter the nature and the demographics of the school,” says Tom Brennan, parent of two children at LaSalle and co-chair of the local school council."

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